Two Little Free Firsts
Danny Coope tells the story of a now lost gem of Walthamstow’s architectural and industrial heritage.
Once upon a time small painted cupboards on poles began popping up in unexpected spots around Britain bursting with books; last year’s Wilbur Smith, a 1960s pulp fiction rarity or an as-new Jamie cook book. Whatever you found was yours to borrow for free, no late fees ever. When The E List reported on this phenomenon back in July there where 12 of these beautiful Little Free Libraries in Walthamstow but the greedy readers of Wingfield and Randolph Roads have managed a UK first by having two installed! The second is much shorter than usual, at a child-friendly height and stocked only with children’s books - yet another UK first!
Both are engagingly decorated by local mural artist Emma Scutt, and following an impassioned speech on the importance and significance of reading the ribbons were officially cut by children’s author, poet and Wingfield Road resident Nicki Cornwell last month. So take heed, take a book, return a book, donate a book! The End.
© Text/Photographs: Danny Coope
“no late fees ever”